University of Arizona


Marguerite Ough & Larry Day voice competition

Marguerite Ough & Larry Day voice competition

These awards are given in memory of Dr. Larry Day, professor emeritus University of Arizona,
where he taught voice and opera theater. Many students benefited from his expertise, passion,
kindness and patience. His professional singing experiences include leading roles with
Minneapolis, Denver and Arizona Opera, soloist with symphonies in Minneapolis, Rochester,
Cedar Rapids, Sioux City, Denver, Billings, Ft. Collins, Tucson, Phoenix and Winfield Kansas.
Directing experiences include major oratorios with orchestras, operas and church choir. He was
actively involved in many organizations including National Association of Teachers of Singing
and National Opera Association (National president 1975-77).

Contributions to this endowment can be made to:
University of Arizona Foundation Larry Day Memorial Scholarship Fund.
Office of Development
UA College of Fine Arts /Music
P.O.Box 210004
Tucson, Arizona 85721-0004
For information regarding the scholarship contact Gloria Day at

November 1, 2024 11:00 am Holsclaw Hall FREE